LAT Science Products

LAT Science Products include:

  • Level 1 (FT1) data

Subsets of photon event files containing information (arrival time, apparent energy, direction, etc.) required by analysis tools.

Generated by the ISOC and distributed to the user community by the Glast Science Support Center (GSSC). SLAC also provides access to this data by means of the GLAST Data Portal Catalog to members of the collaboration.

  • Level 2 (FT2) data

Satellite position, orientation, and livetime data files; also required by analysis tools.

Generated by the ISOC and distributed to the user community by the Glast Science Support Center (GSSC). SLAC also provides access to this data by means of the GLAST Data Portal to members of the collaboration.

  • Automated Science Processing (ASP) products


See: ASP Data Viewer. Provides a "Quick Look" at LAT data in order to alert the scientific community of time-critical transient events (gamma-ray bursts and other transient sources). Also provide light curves for a predefined list of sources.

Also see: LAT ASP Products.

Post-launch Data

  • Data Catalog

See workbook: Accessing Data: LAT Data Catalog

Also see: Summary Ntuples

  • ROOT Trees

FT1 files generated by GLEAM. (See GLEAM Diagram for links to LATEST documentation in Doxygen).

Note: Data is distributed by SLAC to members of the GLAST Collaboration. A Skimmer enables the user to request filtered root tuples.

Pre-launch Data

  • Monte Carlo data

Simulated data are produced by the Glast Event Analysis Machine (GLEAM) and by gtobssim. GLEAM generates both ROOT and FT1 files, used to test both the LAT hardware and software; gtobssim generates FT1 and FT2 files used to test the analysis software. A Monte Carlo Processing Summary for the Service Challenge taking place between the time this was written and launch is being maintained in Confluence.

As part of the Service Challenge, MC gtobssim-generated data is currently being distributed by the GSSC to members of the GLAST Collaboration.

  • ROOT Trees

Pre-FT1 files generated by GLEAM; ROOT trees include: Monte Carlo mcRootData (see McEvent Documentation and package mcRootData); detector (see digiRootData); and Acd, Tkr, Cal, and Merit (see reconRootData); as well as optional, user-defined ntuple ROOT output files.

Distributed by SLAC to members of the GLAST Collaboration. A Skimmer enables the user to request filtered root tuples.

  • Monte Carlo data

Simulated data are produced by the Glast Event Analysis Machine (GLEAM) and by gtobssim. GLEAM generates both ROOT and FT1 files, used to test both the LAT hardware and software; gtobssim generates FT1 and FT2 files used to test the analysis software. A Monte Carlo Processing Summary for the Service Challenge taking place between now and launch is being maintained in Confluence.

As part of the Service Challenge, MC gtobssim-generated data is currently being distributed by the GSSC to members of the GLAST Collaboration.

Note: During the first year after launch, while the instrument is being calibrated and operational procedures are being refined, LAT Science Data Products will be generally available only to members of the GLAST Collaboration.

LAT ASP Products

The ISOC will facilitate time-critical follow-up and multi-wavelength observations of transient sources by processing techniques to process data from the satellite as soon as they are available from the ground processing pipeline.

ASP Task Contents Delivery Method
GRB position refinement using LAT data GRB position and error, date, time of day, and fluences or upper limits in 3 bands.

GCN Notice;

Blind search for GRBs in Level-1 data GRB position and error, date, time-0f-day, and fluences or upper limits in 3 bands. GCN Notice;
GRB afterglow detection and analysis Flux estimates on various time scales, hardness or spectral index estimates; refined position and errors GCN Circular;
Monitoring of the LAT Design Review Program's (DRP's) "Sources-of-Interest" FITS files and plots of flux on 1 day and 1 week intervals in 3 bands; photon index for E > 100 MeV; 1 sigma unc. or 2 sigma U.L.s Website
Flare detection of newly-flaring, bright sources Coordinates, ID, flare onset and duration (if known), plots of light curve in 3 bands E-mail notifications;

For a description of the design of ASP and its scientific products, and results of a prototype implementation, see Automated Science Processing for GLAST LAT Data.

Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 07/29/2008


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Last updated by: Chuck Patterson 07/29/2008